Summit Metro Parks through your lens
Lindsay Smith, Brand Manager
If you’ve spent any time in Summit County’s beautiful Metro Parks, you already know that sweeping vistas, unique landscapes and diverse creatures abound. Capturing these moments through photography helps us inspire and connect people to nature who have yet to visit or are unable to do so. The beautiful photos you take demonstrate to people near and far that Summit County and its greenspaces are unique and worthy of a second look.
Photography has evolved greatly over the past few decades, and it’s more accessible than ever. Some of our visitors enjoy photographing landscapes or other subjects they find of interest in the parks, and others use it as a complement to other hobbies like birding or documenting species for iNaturalist. Here are a few ways you can develop your photography skills:
Start on your smartphone.
Speaking of photography evolutions, smartphone cameras have become increasingly sophisticated over time. Some photos taken on a smartphone can rival those taken on dSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras.
Become familiar with settings and terminology.
While camera equipment differs between brands, you can explore different modes and the cause and effect of adjusting ISO, aperture and shutter speed (all of which are settings that control light). Next, consider how to maximize the impact of your photo through composition. You can find a lot of free tips through a web search!
Learn from other locals.
There are a lot of talented photographers in Summit County and beyond! Many are willing to share tips with those looking to get started, especially within the nature photography genre. Keep an eye out for opportunities for informal meetups, classes or clubs like Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society or Akron Camera Club.
We’re grateful to the many people who have shared their photography with us over the years, whether by informally tagging us on social media or as registered volunteers. We encourage you to do the same! Please tag us on your next SMP outing photo, or if you’re a photographer with experience in high-quality nature photography looking for a more formal role with Summit Metro Parks, contact to learn more about becoming a photography volunteer.
For more stories like this, check out Green Islands magazine, a bi-monthly publication from Summit Metro Parks. Summit County residents can sign up to receive the publication at home free of charge.